Wrote, produced, and directed a short documentary film that shed light on the harrowing experiences of trying to gain proper healthcare as a trans person in America. [MORE]
Shooter/producer/editor for a web docu-series for the Village Voice that followed the night lives of NYC-based comedians. [MORE]
Produced and directed a web series that focused on real people and real stories from queer people in the South. It was a recurring blog feature on HuffPo Queer Voices. [MORE]
Shooter/producer for a video piece on a local haunted house in NYC for TimeOut NY's series "The Week." [MORE]
Role: Video Editor
Sponsored web series for Queerty focusing on LGBTQ filmmakers. [MORE]
Role: Video Editor
Edited the "making of" video for the commecrcial, as well as promotional GIFs and content for social media. [MORE]
Role: Production Coordinator
Worked on Google's 2018 multimedia exhibit for CES. [MORE]
Role: Graphic Designer
Various projects developing social media content for a variety of brands. formats include GIFs, graphics, videos, and entire campaigns. [MORE]
Regularly contribute articles regarding art and cultural affairs on the Huffington Post blog. [MORE]
Contributing editor and writer for Lookie-Lookie Arts Journal. My focus is on the intersection of design, politics and technology. [MORE]
Conducted analytical research for my graduate qualitative research methods class focusing on social visibility versus media representation during the AIDS crisis. [MORE]
Wrote my master's thesis on new media artists that engage with political systems, addressing issues such as surveillance, corporatism, and globalization. [MORE]
I was interviewed about a media installation project I made for a feature on CityLab. [MORE]
I was interviewed about my Queer In The South project for the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. [MORE]
A video I produced for I'm From Driftwood about the gay son of the founder of conversion therapy was featured on Salon. [MORE]
I began my creative career as a photographer. I initially focused on documentary photography, and since have pursued a variety of projects both in the field and the studio.
A short essay film about Broken Windows Theory, surveillance and Donald Rumsfeld. [MORE]